As a non government organization, in order to provide knowledge and support for the concept of green growth, GGP (Green Growth Platform) is collaborating with other organization and partners in different types of projects.
Pilot Farm Project
The team at GGP spent last week visiting farms in Macedonia in order to familiarize farmers with the concept of Precision Agriculture.
Agribusiness association model in V4 countries
In February 2016, our senior consultant Nikola Trendov as a representative of Szent Istvan University took part in the project ”Agribusiness association model in V4 countries – a new perspective for Moldova competitiveness” which was held in three different regions of the Republic of Moldova.
Usage of ICT tools as a key for empowerment small-scale farmers in South-East Nigeria
Senior consultant at GGP, Nikola Trendov visited Nigeria with main aim to deliver experience and transfer know-how in the area of ICT in agriculture among the small-scale farmers in Nigeria.
The team at GGP was happy to attend the GLOBAL G.A.P SUMMIT in Madrid,Spain 2012 to discuss the innovations and latest developments in the agricultural sector
Policy Recommendations for the implementation of the program for drip irrigation
Green Growth Platform with its focus areas like agriculture and rural development, environment and innovation makes research and analysis on all sorts of projects that achieve its goal. One of the projects in which part of GGP team was involved is the project for implementation of drip irrigation and its importance.
ICT potential in agriculture in Republic of Macedonia
The purpose of this study generated by the Green Growth Platform is to provide general indication about the current adoption level of ICT in Macedonia, and the adoption potential for ICT among farmers, which can serve as a basis for development of an entry strategy for ICT companies.