Representatives from Green Growth Platform, Natasha Ristovska and Blagoja Mukanov participated on the Ploutos project Kick-off Meeting 22-23 October 2020. This meeting was held online through the Microsoft Teams platform.
This meeting represented an official start of H2020 Ploutos project implementation.
During the first day, there was an introduction of Ploutos Project by GAIA concerning the major objectives and expected outcomes. All partner organizations presented their contribution to Ploutos Project. The president of GGP, Natasha Ristovska, presented the portfolio, expertise, the organization’s role in the project and GGP team. There was also presentation by the EC Project Officer and the EC Project Financial Officer for the main aspects of technical and financial implementation.
The first day, WP leaders for WP1 Sustainable Innovation Framework, WP2 Social sustainability, Behavior change and ecosystem and WP3 Sustainable Collaborative Business Model Innovation, made detailed explanation of the specific tasks, interaction between the WPs and connected results, identification of involved persons per partner and arrangements for next steps.
During the second day, partners were introduced to the WP4 Data Driven Technological Innovation, WP5 Piloting, Validation and Assessment of Innovative Approaches, and WP6 Ploutos Extrovert Powerhouse. Afterwards, all 11 Sustainable Innovation Pilot leaders presented the pilots and their objectives. The second day, WP7 and WP8 leaders also gave an overview on the Project Management and Ethics requirements. At the end of the meeting, conclusions and summary were presented.
Check our Gallery for more images of the event.