The Green Growth Platform organized the regional event “Digital Technologies in Sustainable Food Systems”

GGP and AGFT have jointly organized the regional event “Digital Technologies in Sustainable Food Systems” in Skopje, North Macedonia. This outreach event presented an excellent way to gather relevant representatives from different stakeholders’ groups: policy makers, public institutions, academia-universities, faculties and institutes, technology providers, food companies, consultants, farmers, NGOs, donors, and EU projects, and to discuss important aspects of sustainability and circularity in agriculture and food industry as well as to highlight the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation and use of smart technologies in these areas.

Carbonica project representatives, Prof. George Zalidis, i-Bec from Greece, Prof. Verica Ilieva, UGD and Blagoja Mukanov, AGFT from North Macedonia participated in the Round table 1: Readiness of the agri-food sector in the Balkan region to support technological (digital) transition for sustainability, moderated by Prof. Biljana Balabamova, UGD from North Macedonia. The Round table 2: Transforming the Agri-Food Systems – EU vs Balkan (Multi stakeholder perception and approach) was moderated by Prof. Emilija Arsov, Dean at the Faculty of Agriculture, UGD from North Macedonia where guest speakers were experts from Croatia, Slovenia and North Macedonia. Carbonica was also presented in the Synergy hour dedicated to EU projects.


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CARBONICA at “Days for young researchers from the faculty of agriculture” – University of Goce Delchev Shtip

Green Growth Platform attended the CARBONICA project workshop organized by the University of Goce Delchev Shtip titled “Science and practice: current state of the real conditions”. This workshop was part of the “Days for young researchers from the faculty of agriculture” event which includes a student conference, workshops and several networking events targeted at young students and scientists from the field of agriculture.

The workshop presented the main goals of the project along with the main tasks and activities encompassed in the working packages and the consortium of organizations responsible for the project implementation. Furthermore, there was a session dedicated to the basic principles and application of carbon farming and carbon farming technologies.

Finally, a tech session held by AgFutura technologies, the local consortium coordinator, explained the piloting and experiment related field activities and future steps in the project realization.