Project Bio Rural national multi-actor innovation workshop: Aquatic feedstock production

The series of national innovation workshops as part of the Bio Rural project was completed with the third workshop focused on aquatic feedstock production. Green Growth Platform held the workshop in the city of Ohrid located on the northern coast of the Ohrid Lake one of the oldest lakes in Europe with a vastly diverse aquatic eco-system.

Attendees of the workshop were relevant stakeholders from the academia, technology providers, governmental bodies, fishing associations, NGOs and policy makers engaged in the sector of aquaculture, fishery and environmental protection.

The Bio Rural project`s goals and progress were presented by the president of the Green Growth Platform – Natasha Ristovska PhD along with an overview of the local bioeconomy compared to the EU`s. This bioeconomy overview was derived from the results of a survey of actors from all bio-economy sectors that was part of previous working packages of the BioRural project.

Irina Manevska MSc, a representative from the Institute of Animal Science part of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje gave an excellent lecture on the circularity in aquaculture, good practices and technologies along with a presentation of an existing innovative bio-based solution for fish quality enhancement in farming by the utilization of probiotic bacterial cultures.

The workshop was concluded with a practical exercise targeted at the implementation of potential bio-based solutions in fish farming and lake fishig and provided grass-root level ideas and inventions for small scale bio-based solutions in the particular domain of the bioeconomy.

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Project BioRural national multi-actor innovation workshop: Bio-based solutions in the agri-food industry

Green Growth Platform as a consortium partner in the Horizon Europe`s project BioRural organized its first out of three national multi-actor innovation workshops. The theme of this workshop was inland raw material production (feedstock), with a focus on the implementation of small-scale bio-based solutions in the agri-food industry in North Macedonia`s rural areas.

The workshop took place at the Faculty of Agriculture part of the “University of Goce Delcev” in Shtip and was attended by relevant stakeholders from the academia, technology, governmental bodies, and policy makers engaged in the agri-food sector as well as students of agriculture.

The BioRural project`s goals and activities were presented by the president of the Green Growth Platform – Natasha Ristovska PhD along with an overview of the local bioeconomy compared to the EU`s. This bioeconomy overview was derived from the results of a survey of actors from all bio-economy sectors that was part of previous working packages of the BioRural project.

A representative from Eco Solar – Zoran Trajkov presented the company’s profile and activities. Their specialty being production of solar air-dryers to be utilized in the food processing industry is an excellent example of applying the principles of circular bioeconomy in this particular value chain.

The workshop ended with a practical exercise targeted at the implementation of potential bio-based solutions in several different value chains such as primary agricultural production, viticulture and wine production and livestock and meat production. The purpose of this activity was catching grass-root level ideas and inventions for small scale bio-based solutions in the country`s rural areas.