Green Growth Platform  is part of the project Future Oriented Collaborative Policy Development for Rural Areas and People, or just used by its acronym POLIRURAL.

This is a project funded by the European Union for Research and Innovation, or more specifically the program Horizon 2020.

This project will start on 01.06.2019 and it will last for 3 years.  Main topic of this project is to encourage decision makers at different levels of government that are better equipped to tackle more emerging rural challenges, and that way the rural populations to be more empowered and rural areas more resilient. Leader and project coordinator is the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague ( The project includes 37 partners from different European countries and fields of work.

Project overview

PoliRural is a research and innovation project, designed to advance rural policy development in the age of disruptive data and technologies in order to deliver a trusted, scalable and transferable solution for policy co-creation.  There are 4 objectives of this project:

  1. Design a multi-governance policy innovation hub and European ecosystem which strengthens the evidence base for rural policy;
  2. Measure prevailing attitudes toward rural policies among regional stakeholders by combining survey research with innovative text mining techniques;
  3. Explore the future trajectory of rural development in every participating region using a hybrid foresight approach;
  4. Advance the understanding of rural reality as perceived by existing rural populations and recent or potential newcomers.


Kick-off meeting – Prague, Czech Republic