Project PLOUTOS stakeholders’ event on the 11th of April 2023


Green Growth Platform in collaboration with Macedonian Chambers of Commerce organized a stakeholders’ event on the 11th of April 2023. Ploutos project goals and the social, economic and environmental benefits of the SIP9 FoodSHare platform for redistribution of surplus food were presented in front of members from different chambers, agro-business sector (producers, distributors, retailers), and representatives from the universities. The president, Mr. Trajan Angeloski and all vice-presidents from the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce expressed their support for the project activities in North Macedonia.


FoodSHare web platform facilitates the process of donating surplus food, efficiently connecting food donors with humanitarian organizations.


The FoodSHare milestones and results were highlighted with proactive engagment from the participants.  The important issues of excess food, food loss and food waste were initiated, sparking valuable discussions and insights. The need of tax incentives and adequate regulation for food donations were especially pointed with a joint agreement that a systematic approach to properly manage these issues in the country is very important. Participants demonstrated active interest for the project activities, sharing their views and providing thoughtful pointers for future reference and involvement.

The event served as a platform for networking, collaboration, knowledge sharing, and disseminating results with key stakeholders from the agro-food sector, policy makers, researchers and other organizations, thus increasing the impact of the Ploutos project.



BioRural partner GGP participated in the Spring Bjelovar Fair, International Fair of Agriculture, Economy and CraftsShare


BioRural project had an exclusive opportunity to be promoted on the 24th International Bjelovar Spring Fair that was held from 24-26 of March 2023 in the well-known Gudovac fair area, Croatia.

More than 400 exhibitors from eleven countries on an area of ten hectares presented their products and services in front of 30 000 visitors. Bjelovar Spring Fair is the largest fair for agricultural, business, trades and crafts fair with international character. It is a multi-purpose fair, especially known for agricultural machinery and preparation for sowing (seeds, crop sprays, fertilizers). This is the place where farmers can buy necessary seeds, protective agents, and machinery, but also the venue of numerous conferences, round-table talks, lectures and presentations in the field of economy and agriculture.

This year North Macedonia for the first time was a partner country. It was presented by six exhibitors mainly in the food section, but also with cultural and tourism program. Official representatives from North Macedonia also participated in the fair and held bilateral meetings with Croatia partners focused on enhancing the trade exchange and discussing about possibilities for efficient use of EU funds for further investments in agriculture and rural development.

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Bjelovar Fair is a member of EURASCO – agricultural association that brings together the largest agricultural fairs in Europe.

More info:

Project Ploutos – Semiannual Newsletter No 4

Ploutos newsletter

Project Ploutos semiannual Newsletter No. 4 is now available.
Stay up to date with all the news regarding this EU project.

In this edition you can find lots of new reading materials on topics such as Sustainable Food Supply Chains and The framework to Future Proof life. You can also read about the success stories concerning sustainable agriculture from all around the EU. Innovation in this field is also covered.

Make sure you check out what this newsletter has to offer. Some of the topics include:

  • How farmers in Greece increased their profit through sustainable innovation

Their production costs were decreased by 32 – 39% in just 2 years. Learn how this small cooperative of Greek farmers reduced their inputs by using the gaiasense Smart Farming system.

  • Success stories from our project

– Pilot 2: Here’s what parametric insurance can do for farmers

– Pilot 10: How carbon credits can lead to sustainable farming

– Pilot 4: An IT platform in Spain connects everyone involved

– Pilot 6: How selective spraying improves soil health

  • Unlocking the innovation potential

We aim to create a virtual space where practical knowledge is generated to last. The Ploutos Innovation Academy (PIA) is a virtual space where mutual knowledge exchanges around sustainability-oriented innovations (SOIs) take place. Experts from different disciplines and actors within the agrifood supply chain, who are engaged in the implementation of Sustainable Innovation Pilots (SIPs), participate in these exchanges. Additionally, actors within the agri-food supply chain, involved in different SIPs, also exchange experiences and best practices to help cope with common challenges.

  • Transforming EU agriculture

The most accredited source of free agricultural knowledge (Wikifarmer) collaborates with Ploutos! The result is an informative article that explores the ways in which gaiasense SF can manage pest control and ensure a healthy crop.

You can find all these topics, as well as many more interesting scientific readings just by clicking the link:

Make sure you also visit the official Project Ploutos website:

PoliRural H2020 Project Newsletter 14 is now available


– PoliRural results and sustainability

As PoliRural draws to a close, it must grapple with one of the most difficult questions in EU projects: how to ensure long-term sustainability? There are different ways to define sustainability. We see it as post-project existence of PoliRural ideas, deliverables and know-how that immediate beneficiaries and the wider public use to achieve their goals. Some of them can be commercial, some policy related. Some may be technical, some scientific or societal. The nature of the exploitation is not so important. What matters is that results are continuously exploited by stakeholders for their own benefit, to help others, or both.

PoliRural’s main results are:

  • A network of 500 stakeholders that have provided strong participatory foundation to the innovative foresight framework piloted in 12 regions;
  • A foresight package outlining, for each region 1) a vision, 2) a set of measures that need to be implemented to make rural areas stronger, resilient, better connected, and prosperous, and 3) a roadmap for implementing these measures;
  • A suitе of technical tools designed to support regional pilots with different foresight tasks e.g. exploring the impact of proposed measures on regional performance (Policy Options Explorer) and rural attractiveness (Rural Attractiveness Explorer), creating summaries of reading lists and extracting insightful information from them e.g. context, emotions (Semantic Explorer);
  • A collection of reports, guidance documents and methodological notes that capture results of our work, as well as recommendations for others looking to implement regional foresight in a new geographic/thematic context.

– The results of the ex-durante report show benefit both for the planning process and pilots’ teams

The main task of the ex-durante evaluation was to document the progress made, review the involvement of primary stakeholders, and identify the first indications of intervention effects.

Ex-durante evaluation has provided each pilot with a closer, more critical in-depth look at their Action Plans. It has significantly benefited them, contributing to the quality of their proposed Action Plans and the PoliRural project in general.

Outstanding conclusions:

  • The involvement of key decision-makers in the monitoring mechanisms of the Action Plan is seen as an essential precondition for securing the adoption and successful implementation of Action Plans by several pilot regions;
  • Russian war in Ukraine and its consequences on energy, economy, environmental and social processes has been a new and very influential external factor that pilot regions faced during the reporting period. It has served as a valuable lesson demonstrating how quickly situations may change and that every plan shall be able to adapt and adjust its measures;
  • The results of ex-durante evaluations confirm the positive effects of the evaluation process for the pilot teams. The most considerable effect is related to the analysis of stakeholder engagement, ownership, and capacity gains. Pilots have continued active communication with regional stakeholders involving them in discussions and experiments using tools developed by the PoliRural project. This has resulted in further improved Action Plans, new insights, the increased status of pilot organizations, and capacity gains among the pilot teams.

You can read more about PoliRural project final results on the following LINK.


Gevgelija-Strumica Regional Action Plan

12 Regional Action Plans resulting from PoliRural H2020 project.

The purpose of the Gevgelija-Strumica Regional Action Plan (RAP) is to foster rural attractiveness by improving the capacity and the model of the rural extension, as well as trough creating and implementing improved and new policy solutions dedicated to the young population in rural areas.

Find out more about the policy challenges, policy measures, intervention logic, contribution to key missions of EU, monitoring mechanism and roadmap in the Gevgelija-Strumica RAP.

Ex-Durante Evaluation Report Gevgelija-Strumica Pilot


The Ex-durante evaluation for Pilot 11 Gevgelija –Strumica was conducted by the two partner organizations in North Macedonia, AGFT, as pilot leader and GGP, as pilot partner in PoliRural H2020 project. The main focus of the Ex-durante evaluation process is the final version of the Regional Action plan (RAP) for Pilot 11 and the readiness for implementation.

Ex-durante evaluation results and recommendations are available in the Ex-durante evaluation report NMK Pilot 11.

PoliRural Toolbox


Rural areas are under pressure. Despite being home to more than a quarter of Europe’s population and providing more than one fifth of all EU jobs, the old-fashioned image of the rural idyll is seemingly no longer valid. Over the past twenty-five years, rural regions have experienced a rapidly shrinking population as people, especially young adults, have migrated to cities with the lure of better paid jobs, modern affordable homes and more exciting lifestyles.

PoliRural is a H2020 research and innovation project designed to advance rural policy development in the age of disruptive data and technologies in order to deliver a trusted, scalable and transferable solution for policy co-creation. It brings together decision makers, experts and rural inhabitants using advanced policy simulation tools to better understand and tackle regional challenges, ultimately making rural areas and professions more attractive and livable for established populations and recent or potential newcomers.

Learn more about PoliRural project results:

PoliRural Toolbox (D7.12.) presents PoliRural main concept, objectives, methodology and pilots where this methodology is being tested. It also presents PoliRural main topics and tools:

•Action oriented foresight for rural planning
•Semantic Explorer: a Text Mining tool for Smart Research
•System Dynamics Modelling for enhanced rural planning
•Mission oriented regional development: opportunities and challenges

D1.8 Future Outlooks Methodology


The development of Future Outlooks is an important step in each of the 12 regional Foresight exercises of the POLIRURAL project. For our purposes, the exploration of future outlooks based on the use of scenarios, corresponds to the exploration of policy options to achieve specific goals, or address specific challenges that feature in the action plan, an essential output of the Foresight process. In particular, this work provides a laboratory in which to test the use of system dynamic modelling, as a way for comparing different policy options. Before delving into the methodology however, it is useful recall the overall goal of the project, how this will be achieved and what we have leaned since we started.

One of the goals of the POLIRURAL project is to explore the phenomenon of “new entrants” as a factor in the sustainable growth and development of rural economies. The approach taken is based on a series of 12 regional Foresight initiatives, in the EU and neighbourhood countries. The regional Foresight exercises are run as independent exercises. Each is driven by the specific needs of each region. In each case the process and sequence of events are based on a schedule determined by local conditions in collaboration with major stakeholders. The goal is that each of the 12 exercises will produce a Vision, Action Plan, and Roadmap that is:

• endorsed by major stakeholders in the economic and social life of the region, and

• adopted by major actors in regional administration, who will ensure the execution of the action plan and the realization of the vision, based on the timing laid out in the roadmap.

Each of these Foresight exercises is intended to provide a realistic environment in which to explore:

• concepts such as “new entrants” to the rural regional economies,

• related concepts such as “rural attractiveness,”

• the use of Text Mining as a productivity tool in the execution of regional Foresight, and

• the use of System Dynamic Modelling as a tool for stakeholder engagement and learning by diverse groups about the dynamics of complex socio-economic systems.

Read more at:

BioRural Kick-off Meeting

  • The Green Growth Platform is proud to announce that the HorizonEurope project BioRural has been launched!
  • 19 partners from 14 different European countries met on September 08. and September 09. 2022 in Athens, Greece for the kick off.
  • The aim of the project is to accelerate the transfer of small scale bio-based solutions to European rural areas.

The main objective of BioRural is to create a pan-European Rural Bioeconomy Network under which stakeholders will cooperate to promote currently available small-scale bio-based solutions in rural areas. Such a framework will contribute in bridging the gap between available novel high-end bio-based solutions and the everyday life of rural European citizens by assessing the existing situation of the European rural Bioeconomy, capturing grassroots-level needs and ideas, promoting effective exchange of knowledge and information and investigating the business opportunities for regional development through bio-based solutions integration in rural Europe. This way, BioRural will develop a transition framework towards a sustainable, regenerative, inclusive and just circular Bioeconomy across all Europe at local and regional scale and support innovators to scale-up inclusive and small-scale bio-based solutions in rural areas.

BioRural aims to achieve this through a three-pillar intervention scheme. First, BioRural will provide a framework to increase knowledge for rural stakeholders by addressing information gaps, conducting knowledge exchange workshops, and the development of an BioRural Toolkit that makes research results widely accessible. Second, BioRural will create a wide network of stakeholders in a regional and pan-European level to interconnect actors that can boost circular Bioeconomy growth through the development of a European Rural Bioeconomy Network centred around 4 regional Rural Bioeconomy Platforms and Bioeconomy success stories supported by a series of capacity building actions. Third, BioRural will develop Business model blueprints for each of the 5 main Bioeconomy themes that support the entrepreneurial establishment and maturation of future innovative bio-based solutions for rural areas and also ensure the post-project sustainability of the Bioeconomy Network and the BioRural Toolkit.

PoliRural H2020 Project Newsletter 13 is now available

PoliRural H2020 Project Newsletter 13 is now available. Within the document you can find the latest information of the Project, including:

  • Follow-up on the PoliRural participation on the Rural Pact Conference
  • Information on PoliRural webinars as a learning support for rural stakeholders
  • Latest activities from several PoliRural pilots, including Segóbriga, Slovakia Region, Monaghan

The Rural Pact Conference took place in Brussels on 15 to 16 June 2022. 475 people took part in-person, joined by over 300 participants online. Participants included politicians, including EU MEPs, along with local authorities and social and economic stakeholders from EU, national, regional, and local levels of governance, of which 46% actually live in rural areas.

This conference is of great relevance for the PoliRural project. A basic goal of the project is to demonstrate the possibility of successfully implementing participative policy processes for rural areas, namely Regional Foresight, leading to action and not just reports. The action plans of the twelve participating regions have been aligned with the language and ambition of the LTVRA (Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas). Many of those action plans have already started to take shape. And many of them consists of actions and milestones which could be submitted as part of that region’s commitment to the LTVRA. In others as an important element of the overall Rural Pact. This is an ongoing process and I invite each of the regions taking part in the project to do this immediately by filling out the relevant form on the website of the Rural Pact, and indicating the overall nature of their commitment to:

– Amplify rural voices

– Networking and collaboration

– Acting for Rural Areas

Within the framework of the PoliRural Project, the twelve pilot regions have drawn up a Regional Action Plan as an important output of the Foresight process. The aim of these plans are proposing solutions to the needs identified in its territory, through a participatory co-creation exercise with the stakeholders of the area.

In June and July 2022, PoliRural organised a series of webinars with the intention of promoting key concepts and results to external stakeholders. These webinars serve as a capacity building resource that can be freely consulted by anyone anytime to learn about the PoliRural approach and how it was implemented in practice.

On 8th June 2022 took place the closing national conference of the Slovak pilot in the heart of the country, in Low Tatras mountainous region, under the title “Let’s unite ourselves for the rural areas – Vision for a more attractive rural areas”. Conclusions in Slovak are available here.

The Monaghan PoliRural pilot Foresight Action Plan aims to achieve Ireland’s highest county-proportion of non-traditional new entrants and young farmers in rural Monaghan by 2030, through locally orchestrated and implemented rural development policies and supports that actively encourage young people, women, and families to move to, or remain in the region.

Latvian Rural Forum initiated discussion as one of events during 8th Conversation Festival LAMPA, which brought together around 19 000 people in Cēsis city in Vidzeme. Discussion was also streamed online.

The rural areas becoming less and less populated – that was the narrative that has dominated Latvia for at least a couple of decades. Finding and buying property in the countryside at the same time has become a real challenge. According to the analyses conducted by Latvian Rural Forum within PoliRural, the unavailability of housing is one of the biggest obstacles faced by those people, who consider moving to the countryside.

For more info visit the link: