Soil moisture content management as a tool for climate change mitigation in WB based on V4 practices
Since 1951, soil moisture significantly decreased in CEE and WBs (Calanca et al. 2006). This risk is further intensified by presence of WB’s lack of adaptive capacity to the climate change. This situation leads to problems associated with an array of agronomic issues including: ineffective soil drainage; soil structure damage; reducing land productivity and increased water scarcity, especially in some regions of Macedonia and Serbia. Measures like increased efficiency in water management through improved surface management techniques (including the minimum and zero tillage practices), could be beneficial in tackling the challenges in the area of climate change. Through the activities in the project SOMOCO-V4WB, a joint team of experts from Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Albania and Czech Republic will provide an access to existing V4 practices in the area of soil moisture management that can be introduced and implemented in the WB countries.
This project is funded by Visegrad Fund, an international organization that is founded by the governments in the Visegrad Group (V4) countries – Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland, and the Slovak Republic. For more information about Visegrad Fund go to their official website